Archive for January, 2006


Who’s Afraid of Not Getting Laid?

Male feminists are a curious bunch. They want the rest of us men to believe that they can liberate us from the prisons of our own device. They say we are slaves to old stereotypes about masculinity. And yet some of these fellows make much ado about the sex lives of MRAs. Sigh. I guess some people still think manhood is dependent upon copulation with women. Consider this recent quip from Hugo Schwyzer:

“On the other hand, MRAs are angry because they feel that men are being manipulated and ‘used’ by ‘scheming women’; they are frustrated, I suspect, both by their own inability to gain access to women and by their own vulnerability to flirtation and arousal. They become enraged by what they desire but generally cannot have.”

Ah, yes, the old “bitter men who can’t get laid” shtick. This wouldn’t be like men calling feminists “bitter, fat women who can’t get laid,” now would it? The feminists regard this charge against them as being utterly stupid and besides the point in their great battle against sexist double-standards. Yes, I said sexist double-standards (which obviously doesn’t cover the realm of cheap shots that feminists employ).

But anyway, just what kind of women should I see as desirable? Third wave feminists? Ah, those women! Gen-X fem grrls! They seem to differ from the second wavers in that they openly admit that they would like to have sex with men. Oh, well. I guess they are not going to follow through with their separatism and leave their “oppressors” alone in peace, after all.

So, I ask, who’s worried about getting laid, these days? Well, this week Hugo has pointed us all to a feminist man who is worried about getting laid. I will not cut-n-paste; let me merely direct you to the post. I think it speaks volumes about male feminists. By the way, you lurkers can tell ol’ Jedmunds that turn about is fair play.